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Thumbnail Managing Standard

Jens Finke
Olivier Sessink

Publication Date: May 2012, Version: Version 0.8.0

1 History

  • December 2020, Version 0.9.0

    • Added x-large and xx-large thumbnail sizes

  • May 2012, Version 0.8.0

  • September 2004, Version 0.7.0

    • Added readonly support for shared thumbnail repositories

  • September 2002, Version 0.6.1

    • The subdirectories weren't a good idea. Removed them from this version.

    • Updated link to the MD5 implementation.

  • September 2002, Version 0.6

    • Added another sub directory level within the cache base directories to avoid too much clutter.

    • State not to create thumbnails for files within the thumbnail cache directory.

    • State when it's allowed to use thumbnails which haven't been checked for validity.

    • Some typo fixes.

    • Introduction and conclusion rewrite.

  • January 2002, Version 0.5

    • Changed handling of different thumbnail sizes.

    • Renamed directories.

    • Propose using temporary filenames to avoid problems with concurrent access.

    • Save thumbnails directly in the size dir without subdirs.

    • Added optional Thumb::Mimetype key

    • Give some more implementation notes.

    • Added "Thanks" section.

  • December 2001, Version 0.4

    • Destinction between required and optional thumbnail attributes.

    • Dropped distinction between global/local .thumbnail directories.

    • Use MD5 hashes as thumbnail filename.

    • Initial attempt to handle concurrent accesses by different programs.

    • Rewrote the "Deleting Thumbnails" section.

  • August 2001, Version 0.3

    • Rewrote this paper.

  • July 2001, Version 0.2

    • Removed distinction between low/high quality thumbnails.

    • Separate directory for failures.

    • Consider permission settings.

  • July 2001, Version 0.1

    • First public release.